Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Thank you!

We again want to say THANK YOU to all who prayed, to all who gave, and to all who came and did the work! Only eternity will tell how many souls will be saved and lives changed as a result of your sacrifice.

Dedication Service!!

On Sunday May 15th we had our long awaited building dedication service. We invited veteran pastor/missionary Brian Booth (General Director of CanAmera Baptist Mission, Winkler, MB) to preach and represent the Pembina Valley Baptist Church and The Anderson Fellowship. As your probably recall, this church and building ministry were very instrumental in organizing the renovation of the building, as well as donating financially and sending work crews. We had a great turnout of people from the community.

Becky visiting with one of the ladies in attendance.

Brian Booth visiting with some people.

Nathan with Brian Booth

A full crowd...35 to be exact!!


Friday, February 25, 2011

The view in front of the house

Bye, bye container

After months of having the container in front of the building, the other day, during a mild blizzard, the container was moved. We were able to sell the container and will use the money to help pay some of our building debt. It sure does leave us with a lot more room in front now!!

The empty container is no problem for the Cat 980G to move.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Youth Night!!!

Saturday January 22 we had our first Youth Night ever! We had a good turnout of 13 kids! Having our own building is SO nice because we are able to plan and hold outreach and church events whenever we want.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas to you all, our blog followers! We trust you will have a great Christmas wherever you are in the world.

Last night we had our 2nd Annual Christmas party here in our new building. We had 56 men, women, and children come out!! We were pretty excited to see all the people here in our new building. Aside from playing some games and enjoying some Christmas treats, I gave a short gospel challenge as well! Please pray for some of those folks to come out to the church services in the weeks to come!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

First service!

Thank you for praying. God answered SO MANY prayers to bring us to this point and He deserves all the glory. Our first service in the new building went well. We had 15 people in attendance including our family! I preached out of Psalm 127:1a Except the LORD build the house, they labour in vain that build it:. I brought out the point that without the LORD's help this building would not have been possible. I could have tried my hardest to get all the work done, but would certainly have fallen short. I then likened that to the fact that we cannot do anything to gain salvation; it is only through Jesus who was born to die.

Leading singing with my guitar!