Sunday, August 22, 2010


Just wanted to post an update on the official dates for the large work crew to be here in Rankin Inlet. They will be here from September 4-18!! We praise the Lord that at least 5 men will be here to help during that time.

PLEASE PRAY... The barge company has recently informed us that they are going to later then they had originally planned. We always plan for some time in case they are late, but they have had A LOT more issues this year and our shipping container, and 9 or so crates/pallets, are scheduled to arrive the same day the crew does, Sept. 4. PLEASE PRAY that God would allow this estimated date to be indeed when the barge does come, as 99% of our building materials are on it, AS WELL AS, the food for the crew.

Additionally, we are EXCITED that a smaller crew consisting of my father, and possibly another man, are coming the day before the large crew leaves, to help with some of the finish work in the house!!

We've ALREADY seen God do some great things and we KNOW He is in charge and will work all this out for His glory.

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