Wednesday, October 27, 2010

This Friday

Friday, October 29th, is going to be an exciting day! Jason Hiebert from Manitoba is flying up to do the taping and mud work on our building. It will be such a blessing to have HIM heading up the task, with me assisting, since I have LITTLE experience at all and he is an expert. Not only will the taping and mudding begin but October 29th is also our oldest daughter Hayleigh's, 5th birthday! We are planning a party for all her little friends and it should be a fun and busy time! It is hard to believe that Hayleigh will be 5, and that she has celebrated 4 birthdays here in Rankin Inlet.

Please pray for me as I sprained my knee last night while helping with the local boys basketball team. It is pretty sore and inhibiting me from doing much manual labour on my feet.

Please also pray for GOOD weather for Jason's flight. It has been snowing on and off for about 10 days now and the forecast is for that to continue.

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