Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Progress, progress, progress!

Some views of our beautiful kitchen! It is really so much nicer than we would ever have imagined it to be. We praise the Lord for His provision and for the generous people who have made this possible. Most of the second floor is completed and we have about 1/2 of our "stuff" moved over. We will move the rest tomorrow and Thursday and plan to stay overnight for the first time on Thursday!

The pantry, with the fabulous shelving built by David Parker. David has volunteered to stay an extra week to help us finish the downstairs of the building. LORD willing, our first service in the new Sanctuary will be on December 12!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Much work being accomplished!

Juan Friesen rolling down the vinyl plank flooring.

Working on the kitchen cabinets.

My little qamutiik (ka-mu-teek) loaded down with garbage for the dump.

Becky's father applying the glue for the shower walls.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Flooring started!

Some of the assembled cabinets!

David Parker assembling the kitchen cabinets!

The vinyl plank flooring upstairs is ALL completed thanks to a great job by Juan Friesen and David Parker!
Meanwhile I continue to paint, paint, paint! Unfortunately Becky's parents did not make it in yesterday, so Lord willing they will be in tomorrow! We are still on schedule to move next week! Please keep praying about that! THANK YOU!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Painting time!

A few painting pictures... All the priming is done and the ceiling on the second floor is done as well. I have the first coat of paint on the ceiling downstairs as well. On the second floor I have the first coat of that light tan paint in the hallway, dining room, living room and kitchen. It is looking really good (if I do say so myself). Hopefully Becky can get over to take a peek at it tomorrow.
If you hadn't heard ALL the paint was donated for this project!!
We also just found out that the men coming to help with the flooring and cabinets are coming on Monday, the 22nd - the same day as Becky's parents arrive to visit and to help us move. Please pray for good travelling weather!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Priming pictures

Jason made it out today!
Hayleigh came for a visit this morning.

Finishing the meeting room!

Looking into the kitchen...Those green and white boxes are the joint compound. We shipped a little too much as you can see.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Weather delay...again

We woke up this morning to a snow storm with some blowing snow. With weather like that the visisbility is greatly reduced so most planes are unable to land. Unfortunately for Jason, his flight back to Winnipeg was cancelled. On the up-side that delay allowed us to get a good deal of the primer on the walls. In fact the entire second floor is primed and a portion of downstairs as well! The weather looks good for tomorrow, so LORD willing Jason will fly out around 9 AM! Meanwhile, I will be priming in the morning and then take the afternoon off to do some studying and other ministry related work.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Sanding mostly done!!!

The sanding of the walls is 99.5% completed. We have a few small portions that are still drying and those should be dry by tomorrow. Since Jason does not leave until Wednesday, he is going to help me get started on the painting! That is quite a big job which I thought I would have to do mostly by myself; it will be a blessing to have help.
Furiously sanding!

Jason, sanding on his stilts!

The view out of our living room window! (It's a bit blurry because of the condensation on the window)

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Taping and mudding completed!

The taping and mudding is going along well. In fact all the taping is completed on both floors and the second floor is about 80% sanded! Lord willing on Monday we will complete most of the sanding and the plan is to try and get some of the priming done on the walls on Tuesday. Jason Hiebert is scheduled to fly out of Rankin on Wednesday. We are so thankful to the Lord for Jason lending us his expertise for the last week; so much has been acomplished.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Working through the blizzard

Currently we are in the midst of a fierce blizzard. The winds are 70km/h with 90 km/h gusts, but that has not stopped Jason and I from working inside. Aside from a few outside corners where the first coat isn't completely dry, the second coat of mud is DONE!! It is looking really good, and we can really start to see how it will look when finished. For all you guys that had a part working on the outside of the building...it is doing WELL in it's first blizzard and we have had no problem with loose cladding or anything!

This past Monday we put in our 30 day notice to our property manager for the apartment we now rent. It was a step of faith...but it seems that most of the work will be done enough for us to move in and avoid paying rent in December. Our property manager is willing to give us an extra day or two more if needed. PLEASE continue to pray that all will go well, and that we can acomplish the work we need to in order to move in!