Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Progress, progress, progress!

Some views of our beautiful kitchen! It is really so much nicer than we would ever have imagined it to be. We praise the Lord for His provision and for the generous people who have made this possible. Most of the second floor is completed and we have about 1/2 of our "stuff" moved over. We will move the rest tomorrow and Thursday and plan to stay overnight for the first time on Thursday!

The pantry, with the fabulous shelving built by David Parker. David has volunteered to stay an extra week to help us finish the downstairs of the building. LORD willing, our first service in the new Sanctuary will be on December 12!


  1. Wow! It looks great! This is exciting. We'll be praying for you and for God to use this building to bring many to Himself.

  2. Praise the Lord for all that has been accomplished! It looks beautiful!!

  3. Good stuff! Wow, it's beautiful. Praise the Lord!

  4. Fabulous Kitchen! So happy for you all! Praise the Lord for His provision!
