Tuesday, December 7, 2010

We're in!!

Hello everyone. Sorry I haven't posted in a while. As of December 1 we are now into the house part of the new building!! GLORY TO GOD! We are still working on the downstairs part and plan to have the first service THIS Sunday!!
David Parker from England/Manitoba is still here and has been such a help with the finishing work.
Things were a bit eventful this morning. Due to the cold temperatures our sewer line froze up and flooded the downstairs bathroom a bit. Thank the LORD there was no damage (only water to mop up) and were were able to get a plumber to come and thaw it out with high-pressure hot water. We still are waiting on the phone company to install our phone line and have a been waiting 3+ weeks. PLEASE PRAY that they will get working on this soon. Thank you again for all your prayers and support!
Becky and I in our new living room!

Dining room.
