Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Power is on!!

Thank you for checking this blog. Today we finally had the electric meter put in and the power is on!! Our electrician, Frank Kelly, had previously wired some plugs so we could utilize our own power, but this afternoon and evening was the first time for that.

We were able to completely install all of the in-floor hydronic heat tubing and much of the duct work is in place for the downstairs as well. The second floor is almost completely drywalled, thanks to Colton, David P., Randy and Richard! I did ONE piece of drywall in the pantry, but it didn't turn out too well. :o) I'd better get better as I will be drywalling most of the downstairs with my father who arrives on Friday. The water system tested out GREAT with no leaks! Praise the LORD!

Frank Kelly, as well as Pastor Lee Pickett (plumber) left today. We are so thankful for their hard work! They were able to get a lot accomplished that we otherwise could not have.

Crystal, our fabulous assistant cook, leaves tomorrow, one man leaves on Friday and the rest of the larger crew leaves on Saturday morning. PLEASE PRAY for the boiler installation, and that we will be able to complete more of the drywall too! Thank you for your prayers! They are still needed!

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