It was another good day of work here in Rankin Inlet. We were able to get quite a bit more drywalling done downstairs. We also had a surprise volunteer come to help. Ruel is a Filipino man that lives in Rankin Inlet, and attends our church with some other Filipinos. (See him on the right in the picture above with my father.) He stopped by for a few hours this afternoon and helped my father and I drywall. I was also able to get all the thermostat wires organized and run to the proper locations. With five different "stats" and two different heating systems, it was a bit challenging.
We also heard today that Randy Hildebrand and Ryan Wall will be returning for a few days to do some additional work on the in-floor hydronic heating. We are so thankful to the LORD for their kindness and help!
thanks for all your persistant blogging! we love checking for updates!